You are invited to attend the meeting of Wynyard Parish Council (Hartlepool) which will be held on the 19th July 2023 at 18.10 at Wynyard Hall, Wynyard.
Members of the public are informed that they are entitled to attend the above meeting subject to the venue’s capacity.
- To received and approve Apologies for Absence. Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires a record to be kept of the members present and that this record forms part of the Minutes of the meeting. Members who cannot attend a meeting should tender apologies to the Parish Clerk as it is usual for the grounds upon which apologies are tendered also to be recorded. Under Section 85 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972, members present must decide whether the reason(s) for a member’s absence are accepted.
- Public Forum. The meeting will be adjourned for 15 minutes to allow public participation where the public may speak on any item on the Agenda.
Items not on the Agenda will not be discussed.
- To receive disclosable Pecuniary or other interests.
- To accept the Minutes of the meeting held on the 21st June 2023.
- Matters arising.
(a)Future Joint Working. Meeting to be arranged with Wynyard Parish Council (Stockton), Wynyard Residents and Wynyard Parish Council (Hartlepool). Meeting provisionally booked for the 7th July 2023 had to be cancelled. New date to be published.
(b) Robertson Homes. Response from resident re Robertson Homes following the Parish Councils meeting with Robertson Homes. Feedback to be given to Councillors at the meeting.
(c)Scheduled meeting with Hartlepool Borough Council. Councillors Malcolm and Normandale together with the Parish Council Clerk attended a meeting with a member of the Hartlepool Development Neighbourhoods and Regulatory Services to discuss the Local Plan. A member of this department will be attending the Parish Council meeting due to held on the 18th October 2023.A meeting will take place on the 18th July 2023 to discuss Section 106 payments. Feedback will be given at the Parish Council Meeting on the 19th July 2023.
(d) Road Markings and Crossings. Correspondence received from Hartlepool Borough Council in response to the Parish Council’s request for road markings. Feedback to be given by Councillor Baron.
- Planning Application H/2022/0255. A meeting has been arranged with Lichfields, Planning Consultants, for all Councillors for the 13th July 2023 re Duchy Homes planning application. Feedback will given at the Parish Council meeting to be held on the 19th July 2023.
- Clerks Report
- Audit Update: All relevant audit paperwork was submitted within the specified timeframe to Mazars.
- Register of Parish Members’ Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Update re progress.
- Wynyard Park meeting due to be held on the 4th July 2023 has been postponed until the 11th July 2023 and feedback will be given at the Parish Council meeting.
- Cancellation of the September 2023 Parish Council meeting due to Hartlepool Borough Council holding a Parish Charter Principles Seminar on the 20th September 2023. An additional Parish Council meeting is scheduled for the 16th August 2023 at Wynyard Hall.
- New Clerks and Cilca Training.
- Parish Council Accounts. To approve the income/expenditure for June 2023.
- Planning Applications.
- H/2022/0382 – Amended plans for the erection of 51 dwellinghouses together with access and landscaping for Wynyard Homes on land west of Wynyard village and south of the A689 Wynyard.
- H/2023/0095 – Importation of clay and topsoil from adjacent site to increase site levels on land east of Duchy Homes, Wynyard.
- H/2023/0172 – Erection of detached wooden ‘BBQ’ cabin within the rear garden of 15 The Meadows, Wynyard.
- Any other business.
The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 16th August 2023 at Wynyard Hall, Wynyard at 18.10.