Minutes of the Wynyard Parish Council (HARTLEPOOL) meeting held at 18.10 on Wednesday 19th July 2023 at Wynyard Hall, Wynyard.
Councillors K Malcolm, D Normandale, I Baron, P Kirby and E Hurst
Clerk of the Parish Council: Julie Normandale
- Written apologies received from Councillor Seaman and Councillor Forrester
- Public Forum: Three members of the public were present.
(b) A resident expressed concern regarding the nesting birds on the recently approved planning application H/2022/0299 – Robertson Homes. An Ecology report has been produced by Robertsons and the birds have been sectioned off for protection. The resident was also concerned re construction traffic when development commences. The resident also expressed concerns regarding the submitted application H/2022/0382 for 51 dwellings regarding the lack of green spaces together with the increase in construction traffic.
- There were no declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests declared.
- The Minutes of the meeting held on the 21st of June 2023 were agreed upon and accepted by the Council. Proposed by Councillor Kirby and seconded by Councillor Hurst.
- Matters arising:
- Future Joint Working: The Chair of Wynyard Parish Council (Hartlepool) has met with the Chairs of Wynyard Parish Council (Stockton) and Wynyard Residents Association with a view to moving
jointly to act on behalf of all Wynyard residents. All large planning applications are to be exchanged between the relevant Parish Councils in order that both Parish Councils are aware of potential developments ensuring consistency of comments. Councillor Baron thanked Councillor Malcolm for the number of meetings that he has attended for the benefit of the Parish Council and residents.
- Robertson Homes: An update was given regarding the meeting with Robertson Homes and their keenness to work closely with the Parish Council and the residents with regard to improving the area. They confirmed that the perimeter fence would be erected once the Ecology report had been received. The perimeter fence would be erected the week commencing 10th July 2023. Robertsons agreed that the footpath along the deer run would be completed straightaway but during construction, the footpath would have to be closed. Robertsons confirmed that the compound and car parking would be created in the middle of the development. The show houses will be built on the front of the site and the sustainable drainage systems (suds) pond will be constructed at the front of the new development.
- Scheduled meetings with Hartlepool Borough Council:
Councillors Malcolm, Councillor Normandale and the Clerk attended a meeting with Helen Smith, Interim Planning Policy Team Leader, Development Neighbourhood and Regulatory Service on the 29th June 2023 at the Civic Centre Hartlepool to discuss the lack of amenities and infrastructure within Wynyard together with Section 106 funding. A Freedom of Information request has been made but the report has not yet been received. Helen Smith will be a guest speaker at the Parish Council meeting to be held in October and will give a presentation to residents and Councillors regarding planning matters and Section 106 funding for Wynyard. A further meeting has been arranged with Helen Smith for the 25th August 2023 with the Parish Councillors.
A meeting was arranged with the Denise McGuckin Managing Director of Hartlepool Borough Council together with Tony Hanson, Director of Neighbourhoods and Regulatory Services. Unfortunately, at very short notice Denise McGuckin was unable to attend. Tony Hanson who chaired the meeting explained the procedure of Section 106 payments and expenditure and was fully aware of the lack of facilities for Wynyard.
- Road Marking and Crossings: There is a lack of road crossings on Wynyard especially near to play parks. Speeding is also an issue with residents and construction traffic. Areas to be highlighted where crossings and speed measures should be placed. Peter Frost, Highways, Hartlepool Borough Council to be contacted re any potential speed limitations that could be implemented.
- Planning Application H/2022/0255: A meeting was held on the 13th of July 2023 with Councillor Malcolm, Councillor Kirby, Councillor Hurst, Councillor Normandale and The Clerk to meet Lichfields who are representing Duchy Homes regarding the application for the erection of 84 dwellings. The discussion was regarding the possibility of Duchy Homes using Duke of Wellington Gardens for access to their new site via the Vivre Homes
development, for construction traffic. The Parish Council have previously lodged objections due to the width of the road and the safety of residents. It was suggested to Lichfields that a construction road off the southern spine road be built to give them access to their site safely. Concerns were also raised regarding the lack of an easement to the properties bordering the new Duchy Homes and those properties in Duke of Wellington Gardens. The main concern was the maintenance of the fences on the new properties and the lack of access to the rear of their fencing. Lichfields suggested that they make 3D plans to demonstrate how the lack of the easement would be successful.
- Clerks Report:
- All audit paperwork was submitted within the timescale but up to date, there has not been any feedback.
- Reminder to all Councillors to complete their Parish Members’ Disclosable Pecuniary Interest Forms and return them to the Clerk.
- A meeting was held with Wynyard Park on the 11th of July 2023. Pamela Shurmer from charity DS-43 gave a brief presentation to Matt Johnson, Wynyard Park regarding the installation of further defibrillators. The Wynyard Park bus will cease in July 2023. The proposed pub remains postponed. The Parish Council are awaiting a decision regarding their application for funding for a bus shelter and the provision of bins and benches. Wynard Park to investigate Section 38 relating to Taylor Wimpey regarding the provision of a bus stop/pull-in. Health and Safety concerns re the suds pond on Musgrave Garden Lane. Wynyard Park agreed to fence the water’s edge of the suds pond. Wynyard Park agreed on a joint meeting with Wynyard Parish Council (Hartlepool) who will have three seats, Wynyard Parish Council (Stockton) who will have two seats and Wynyard Residents Association who will have one seat. The meetings will be held bi-monthly. Requested from Wynyard Parish Council (Stockton) that Wynyard Parish Council (Hartlepool) and Wynyard Residents Association attend the meetings with Wynyard Estate. Wynyard Parish Council (Stockton) will have three seats, Wynyard Parish Council (Hartlepool) will have two seats and Wynyard Residents Association will have one seat. The meetings are to be held on opposite months to the Wynyard Park meetings. A pre-meeting will be held a week prior to the meetings to establish an Agenda with input from all seats. Concerns were expressed regarding cars parking on Musgrave Garden Lane opposite the entrance to Buttercup Avenue. This parking is a hazard to drivers both from Musgrave Garden Lane and Buttercup Avenue.
- The September Parish Council meeting has been cancelled due to the Parish Charter Principles Seminar meeting to be held on the 20th of September 2023. The same date as the Parish Council meeting. A new meeting has been arranged for the 16th of August 2023 at Wynyard Hall.
- The Clerk confirmed that Cilca training had been undertaken and confirmed that the Clerk will undertake to complete the training and examination for Ilca (Introduction to Local Council Administration) .
- Parish Council Accounts: The presented Income/Expenditure accounts were approved and accepted. A bank reconciliation will be completed every six months.
- Planning Applications: H/2022/0382 Amended plans for the erection of 51 dwellings together with access and landscaping for Wynyard Homes on land west of Wynyard Village and south of the A689 Wynyard – comments and objections to be lodged on Hartlepool Borough Council planning portal. Concerns from residents regarding water pressure as the number of homes increases.
H/2023/0095 – Importation of clay and topsoil from adjacent site to increase site levels on land east of Duchy Homes, Wynyard – no objections.
H/2023/0172 – Erection of detached wooden ‘BBQ’ cabin within the rear garden of 15 The Meadows, Wynyard – no objections.
(10)Any other business:
A copy of a new Co-Option Policy had been forwarded to all Councillors prior to the meeting for their consideration and comments. The Policy was accepted by the Council and is to be adopted and implemented.
The Council received the resignation of Councillor Seaman and the Council would like to thank her for all the work that she undertook whilst she was a Councillor. The Council will commence proceedings to replace Councillor Seaman.
The Meeting finished at 20.20.