
October 2023 Parish Council Agenda

Agendas Uploaded on October 9, 2023

You are invited to attend the meeting of Wynyard Parish Council (Hartlepool), which will be held on the 18th October 2023 at 18.10 at Wynyard Hall, Wynyard.

Members of the public are informed that they are entitled to attend the above meeting subject to the venue’s capacity.


  1. To receive and approve apologies for absence: Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires a record to be kept of the members present and that this record forms part of the Minutes of the meeting. Members who cannot attend a meeting should tender their apologies to the Parish Clerk as it is usual for the grounds upon which apologies are tendered also to be recorded.  Under Section 85(1) of the Local Government Act 1972, members present must decide whether the reason(s) for a member’s absence are accepted.
  2. Public Forum: The meeting will be adjourned for 15 minutes to allow public participation where the public may speak on any item on the Agenda. Items not on the Agenda will not be discussed.
  3. To receive disclosable Pecuniary or other interests.
  4. To accept the Minutes of the meeting held on the 16th August 2023.
  5. Guest Speakers: Mrs Helen Smith, INTERIM PLANNING POLICY TEAM LEADER and Mr Andrew Morrison, SENIOR PLANNING OFFICER , both representing Hartlepool Borough Council.  A brief presentation to be made followed by a general questions and answer session from Mrs Smith and Mr Morrison and residents.
  6. Matters arising:
  7. Future Joint working: Update regarding progression with Wynyard Parish Council (Stockton) and Wynyard Residents together with Wynyard Park.
  8. Robertson Homes: Update re progression with planning application H/2022/0299 – walkway adjacent to the “Deer Run”.
  9. Speeding on Coppice Lane/Stoney Wood Drive: Update regarding concerns from residents of speeding on Wynyard.
  10. Road markings and crossings: Update from Hartlepool Borough Council.
  11. Precepts and Budgets: The Precept must be submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council by the end of January 2024. Agreement to be obtained from the Council to confirm that work commences on the budgets and precept requirements for the financial year 2024/2025.
  12. Water Pressure concerns Dere Street: Update from Councillor Barron.
  13. Clerks Report:
  • Update re the conclusion of the Annual Audit for 2023/2024.
  • Wynyard Park meeting update following meeting scheduled for 11th October 2024.
  • Individual flyers were ordered to support the guest speakers and to inform ALL Hartlepool residents of the October 2024 meeting.  Due to no meeting being held in September 2024 confirmation is required from the Council re the expenditure incurred. Time constraints prevented prior authorisation as the guest speakers confirmed their attendance following the August 2024 Council meeting.
  • Parish Council vacancy update.
  • Service of Defibrillator.


  • Parish Council Accounts: To accept and approve the income/expenditure accounts for September 2024.
  • Planning applications:
  1. H/2023/0095 – Importation of clay and topsoil from adjacent site to increase site levels. Land East of Duchy Homes. Additional information.
  2. H/2023/0187 – Erection of dormer to rear including Juliette balcony, dormer to the front and 3 no. rooflights. 18 Amerston Close, Wynyard.
  3. H/2023/0333 – Single storey extension to rear of existing garage. 21 Manorside, Wynyard.
  4. H/2023/0320 – Erection of dwellinghouse. Plot 17 The Cavendish, Wynyard.
  5. H/2023/0289 – Erection of Earth Bund. Land West of Wynyard Village, Wynyard.
  6. H/2023/0321 – Erection of dwelling. Plot 10a The Cavendish.
  7. H/2022/0181 – Outline planning application for the erection of up to 1200 dwellings with associated parking, landscaping, and infrastructure with all matters except access. Land North of A689 Wynyard Park Estate, Wynyard Woods, Wynyard.