You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of Wynyard Parish Council (Hartlepool) which will be held at Wynyard Hall, Wynyard on Wednesday 10th May 2023 at 18.10.
- Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
- Election of Councillors for employment committee
- Public Forum. The meeting will adjourned for 15 minutes to allow public participation where the public may speak on any item on the Agenda. Items not on the Agenda will not be discussed.
- To receive disclosable Pecuniary or other interests.
- To accept the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 26th April 2023 together with the Minutes from the meeting held on the 15th March
- Matters Arising:
- Park bench installations.
- Future joint working – Wynyard Parish Council (Hartlepool) and Wynyard Parish Council.
- To Receive, Review and Approve the following policies:
- Standing Orders 2022
- Financial Regulations
- Code of Conduct
- Complaints Procedure 2022
- Health and Safety Policy
- Annual Audit 2022/23
- Inspection and review by internal auditor.
- Income and Expenditure report for approval.
- To receive and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 (Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022/23 Form 3 (Three Forms)
- Budget 2023/24 update
10.Clerks Report
- Robertsons Homes – Site visit/planning decision/meeting with developer.
- Appraisal and incremental pay award.
- Meeting with Wynyard Park update.
- Nomination of Parish Councillor Audit and Governance Committee.
- Amendment to Clerks Contract of Employment
- Website Update – update by Councillor Forrester.
- Planning Applications:
- H/2021/0282 – Approval of reserved matters for erection of a single residential dwelling pursuant to outline planning permission for Plot 11 The Cavendish.
- H/2023/0101 – Section 73 Application for variations of Conditions 2,8,9 and 22 of planning application H/2020/0288 (amendment to planning application H/2019/0365 for residential development of 67 dwellings) to allow changes to the proposed construction materials and removal of pre-commencement conditions relating to Duchy Homes.
- H/2023/0095 – Import of clay and topsoil from adjacent site to increase site levels on land east of Duchy Homes for Wynyard Park Ltd.
- H/2023/0029 – Amended plans for a single storey extension at 8 Eshton, Wynyard.
14.Amenities services for Wynyard
Meeting request with Hartlepool Borough Council reference Section 106 Funding.
15.Aims and Objectives for 2023/24
Any other business.
The date of the next meeting is 21st June 2023 at Wynyard Hall, Wynyard at 18.10.