
H/2024/0154 Planning Application – We Need Your Comments

To read Hartlepool Borough Council’s initial response, please download the report here.

To have your say, please access this link.

Then select ‘Comment on Application’ and submit your comments re H/2024/0154

When will they STOP?

Wynyard Parish Council (Hartlepool) have been notified of yet another planning application proposing the building of another 371 dwellings and 1100 Sqm of retail/medical floor space. This application H/2024/0154 has been submitted by Low Swainston Developments Ltd, which we now understand from details contained within the numerous completed reports attached to the application is actually Wynyard Park! Wynyard Park own website quotes “Due to the location, ambition and investment, Wynyard Park was granted Government Garden Village status in 2019, which allows for a further 5000 house builds over the next 20 years”

The application includes plans for an additional roundabout to provide access off the A689, located between the Castle Eden Walkway pedestrian bridge and the main entrances to Wynyard Village and Wynyard Park estates at the West Gate roundabout. It also includes a further link road from the proposed development through to the recently completed Pentagon (Taylor Wimpey) site on Wynyard Park.

As residents will now be aware, Wynyard Park received outline planning approval in November 2023 H/2022/0181 for a further 1200 homes, retail and sporting/leisure amenities on Wynyard Park. Yet to date none have been delivered! All of the approved planning applications being within the agreed area of the Wynyard Master and Local Plans. This new application is on a green field site outside of the ‘Hartlepool Local Plan’ area and we therefore believe should not be under consideration. If approved this would mean further destruction of green fields, loss of countryside views including trees, hedges and open farm land which is currently the habitat of all kinds of wildlife and fauna – and for what – developers PROFIT!

As residents will know, Wynyard Parish Council (Hartlepool) since its inception in May 2022 has been campaigning for the promised amenities and facilities on Wynyard Park area, such as a Primary School, local shops, a Public House, sporting and leisure facilities for all age groups – Yet to date what have Wynyard Park delivered? None of these, despite Hartlepool Borough Council Planning Committee approving a number of these amenities and facilities and securing Section 106 funding for them! WPC(H) will continue to lobby developers, Ward Councillors and HBC officers to deliver on these promises and to seek further services and amenities such as locally based GP and dental provision, local secondary school, woodland walkways and safe cycle routes across Wynyard, to ensure all of Wynyard becomes a sustainable community.

Wynyard Parish Counil (Hartlepool) will be discussing this application in more detail at its public meeting on 24th July at Wynyard Hall and looking to confirm proposals to be made to HBC. For example: Why developers and Hartlepool Borough Council are not looking to develop areas of ‘brown field sites’ for more affordable homes, which would be in areas where facilities and amenities already exist.

Residents will recall the outcry when Cameron Hall and Jo Mast developers submitted their plans for the building of 700 homes within Wynyard Village and golf course area, which attracted over 650 objections. WPC(H) therefore urgently ask that all residents over the age of 18 submit their comments and views regarding application H/2024/0154 via the HBC Planning Portal and or contact your Ward Councillor(s). The following paragraph explains how this can be done:

When submitting your comments, please consider the following points:

  • This Planning Application is outside the development limits of both the Hartlepool Local Plan and the Wynyard Master Plan;
  • Overdevelopment of housing;
  • Transport – more pressure on the A689 and A19;
  • Road Safety – the road through the Taylor Wimpey estate will not be able to handle the increase in traffic from an additional 371 houses and it will also pose a safety risk to children and other pedestrians;
  • Sustainability, e.g. very few amenities exist in Wynyard Village and no amenities at all in Wynyard Park – we need shops, cafes, pubs, sports facilities, more schools and a community centre for residents to meet, socialise and to help create a strong community;
  • Ecology – loss of more woodland which will have a detrimental effect on nature and the local wildlife.

Ward Councillor Details:

Andrew Martin-Wells –

Mike Young –

Scott Reeve –